Today (January 19) my sweet Zeke turns 4!! I remember ever so vividly the morning I woke up in labor. The chair I labored in for about 3 hours before I woke anybody up is the chair I am sitting in to write this post. I remember getting to the birth center dialated to a 3 and being sent to the mall to walk. I must have been a sight walking all over Golden Triangle Mall with my sweet husband and teenage son dragging behind. I was so excited. Then they called us back to the birth center to get my IV set up. (I was group B strep positive with both babies) Once we got back things moved ever so quickly. By 1pm I was around a 6 and we were really getting into the heavy labor. By this time my sister had showed up. She and Mike were so good to me. They talked me through, held me up and encouraged me. I am sure I squeezed my sister's arm a little too hard at least twice. More family arrived as the labor progressed. Through the whole labor I was surrounded by family. Once my water was broke the contractions came quickly and I began to push Zeke out. I had my mom, sister, other mother, nana and husband surrounding me. My wonderful husband was able to pull his son out! What a wonderful moment! We were so blessed by Inanna Birth Center to be able to deliver like this. Zeke was born at 6:45pm on Friday January 19, 2007. He weighed 8 lb 15 oz. He was perfect! Today he is still my precious boy. He loves to write, draw, play with trains and dinosaurs. He even likes to cuddle with mommy sometimes. He is so smart and likes to just sit and talk. He is so very thoughtful and will just randomly ask me "how was your day, mom?". I love him so much!!

Our first time to really look at Zeke!
Our wonderful midwife, Jean Sala!
Zeke 1 week old! At home all cozy in his bed!
Zeke about 4 weeks old. This was after we found out I was starving the sweet boy! Once he started gaining some wait he just kept eating and eating and eating!!
Zeke probably less than an hour old!!
Mommy and Zeke about 1 week old
Zeke at 2 years old! What a character he is!
Zeke and his daddy! Zeke is 3 years old here! He loves to be with his Daddy!! His daddy is pretty fond of him as well!!
Sweet face of Zeke!! 3 years old
Zeke first signature and hand! 3 years old
Zeke first Vacation Bible School - 3 years old
Camping! Zeke trying to be like Daddy! 3 years old
Sweet Zeke!
Happy Birthday!!
Such a sweet story! Happr Birthday Zeke!!!!
Thanks Friends!! he had a great birthday!
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