Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Menu Plan Monday (a little late)

I have waited to post my menu because *gasp* I haven't made one yet.  I had planned to eat only fruits & veggies Monday - Wednesday.  Trying to Detox my body.  Hubby would most likely eat the same and therefore I would just be throwing together something simple for the kids to go with the fruits and veggies. 

The winter weather as well as hunger has motivated me to eat a bit more.  Now I am in the mood for Chilli, Soup, Bread, etc.  I still plan to eat mainly fruits and veggies but will eat a little bit more.  I did not set out to starve myself just to eat a bit more healthy.  It has motivated drinking more water and eating more fruits and veggies.  With that, I have thrown together a menu plan. 

Fruit, dry cearl
Veggies & Rice (PB for Zeke, Pasta for Abi)

Eggs, Toast, fruit, Smoothie
salad (cearl for kids)
Chilli, French bread, salad

Fruit, toast, Smoothie
Sandwich, Salad
Chicken Noodle Soup

Fruit, Cearl, Smoothie
Salad, Leftovers
Breakfast Casserole

Fruit, Dry Cearl
Pizza, Salad

Fruit, Toast, Smoothie
Sandwich, Salad
Fish Tacos

Fruit, Eggs, Pancakes
Sandwich, Salad
Tator Tot Casserole

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