Friday, November 13, 2009

Marriage Books

I just have to share about 2 of my all time favorite books that are encouraging to marriage.

Created to be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl

Wife after God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George

I read and have reread several times Created to Be His HelpMeet right after Mike and I got married. This book is very direct in regards to godly submission and how a wife is to treat her husband. It is very practical and easy to follow. It has lots of stories and practical application. There are sections/chapters relating to serving your husband, time management, children, being frugal and so much more. One chapter that I just love has a menu plan for an entire week. You use the leftovers to make your meals go further. I just love it! She also includes a great Spaghetti sauce recipe that I use often and freeze so that I have lots of spaghetti sauce in the freezer. I then use this for pasta and pizza.

I read Wife after God's own heart about a year ago and have been reading on it a little recently. This book also has tons of practical application. She has listed 12 different categories that really matter in marriage. She goes into detail on each one with scripture and practical ways to put this into practice. At the end of each chapter she lists specific things you can do to make a difference in your marriage relating to that topic.

I enjoy reading books that encourage me to be a better wife, mom and woman! If you have any books you just love, leave a comment!

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