Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Love Dare - Day 5

Let me catch you up on how I have been doing with this Love Dare over the past few days. I have not been doing one dare a day. I have been getting behind and also making sure I accomplish the dare before I go on. Sometimes this has taken time. I also have been trying to keep up the previous dares. For example, being patient. It seems that my patience is very thin since I started this dare. But stay firm as you progress with the dares you are challenged in so many areas and I have been motivated to take it one day at a time and if I screw it up to keep trying. I think the main goal is to not give up!! My Husband is worth it!!

Day 5 – Love is not rude
In this section it describes rudeness as unnecessarily saying or doing things that are unpleasant for another person to be around. “Genuine Love minds its manners. Good manners express to your spouse “I value you enough to exercise some self-control around you. I want to be a person who’s a pleasure to be with.” The section lists three guiding principles when it comes to practicing etiquette in your marriage: “Guard the Golden Rule – Treat your mate the same way you want to be treated. No Double Standards – Be as considerate to your spouse as you are to strangers and coworkers. Honor Requests – Consider what your husband or wife already asked you to do or not do. If in doubt, then ask”

Love Dare for today: Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them or justifying your behavior. This is from their perspective only.

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